== Martin Trojer ==
Programming Blog


Welcome and some guiding words...


Let’s begin with an inspiring quote from my favorite book on computer programming, “Structure and Interpretations of Computer Programs” (SICP) by Abelson and Sussman.

Underlying our approach to this subject (computer programming) is our conviction that “computer science” is not a science and that its significance has little to do with computers. The computer revolution is a revolution in the way we think and in the way we express what we think. The essence of this change is the emergence of what might best be called procedural epistemology – the study of the structure of knowledge from an imperative point of view, as opposed to the more declarative point of view taken by classical mathematical subjects. Mathematics provides a framework for dealing precisely with notions of “what is”. Computation provides a framework for dealing precisely with notions of “how to”.

You can access the complete SICP book online here. If you consider yourself a programmer and haven’t read it yet, what are you waiting for?

Welcome to yet another programming blog, where the focus is not on computers, but on programming — or at least a small subset thereof. Here, I will share my thoughts on various topics that pique my interest, emphasizing the creation of readable, correct, and maintainable code, functional programming, as well as the key challenges modern developers encounter, such as concurrency.

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