== Martin Trojer ==
Programming Blog


Some thoughts on clojure.spec

clojure racket contracts test.check quickcheck

Some of the readers of my Beyond Clojure blog series have asked about my opinion on clojure.spec, and if it solves Clojure’s ’type problem’. Implying whether its presence makes me look more favorably on Clojure. Here are some of my thoughts.


Beyond ClojureScript: Elm

clojure clojurescript elm

This is a post in the Beyond Clojure blog series, in which a Clojure developer looks at typed languages for web app development. In this episode we look at front-end development in the language Elm.

Front end development targeting web browsers is a ghetto, everybody seems to agree. The core tools at our disposal are the amalgamation of ideas and accidents thrown together without much overall strategy. One positive development in recent years has been the drastic improvement of the JavaScript (JS) engines in popular browsers. They have now gotten so good that it’s a valid option to treat JS as a compilation target. This fact is one of the drivers behind the explosion of JS transpilers, there are now literally hundreds of languages that (either primarily or as an after-though) can compile to JS. These languages range from light syntax improvements (ala CoffeScript) to full blown languages with big runtimes and everything in between.


Beyond Clojure: Haskell

clojure haskell

This is a post in the Beyond Clojure blog series, in which a Clojure developer looks at typed languages for web app development. This is by no means a complete survey of the Haskell web development landscape, rather a random collection of thoughts.

If you are interested in typed functional languages one stands taller than the rest. It’s impossible not to get sucked into the Haskell vortex, but why fight it? In spite of its reputation of being extremely hard to learn and even harder to master, there are several excellent resources out there and you are guaranteed to learn lots of very valuable lessons.


Beyond Clojure: Prelude


Here we are, after five years of learning and later doing Clojure full time, I’ve come to the point where I am seriously looking around for alternatives. I’ve gotten very comfortable working in Clojure, and it has and will continue to serve me very well. But getting comfortable has a flip-side, you stop caring.


Enable gzip with Ring and Jetty


Datomic Do's and Don'ts

clojure datomic

I recently tried to use Datomic in anger in a project. Here are some things I learned.


Software archaeology, hunting bugs in Emacs

emacs gnu lisp gdb

By reading the title of this post, you might think this entry is about using some clever Emacs skills to find bugs in old software. But no, it’s actually about hunting down bugs in Emacs itself (which incidentally happens to be very old software).


Moving my devboxes to Docker

docker devops

I’ve been quite vocal about my opinions on development environments and automating the creation of them on this blog and elsewhere. Boiling it down to the two points I feel most strongly about:

  1. Always develop in a production-like environment
  2. Automate the creation of these environments

Clojure and Emacs without Cider redux

clojure emacs

It’s been a couple of months since I’ve stopped using Cider for Clojure development in Emacs. I find a simple ‘inferior lisp’ setup faster and more reliable. For a good summary of why one would consider not using Cider, see Luke VanderHart’s excellent summary.


Developing Clojure in the Cloud

clojure aws cloud

Recently, I gave a talk at the Clojure eXchange 2014 titled ‘Developing Clojure in the Cloud’. I described a way of creating and using (Clojure) development environments inside VMs. I’ve been developing like this for the last year (spanning 2 projects).

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