== Martin Trojer ==
Programming Blog


Flexible multi consumer/producer pipelines


TL;DR: Pipejine - a lightweight Clojure library for multi-threaded producer/consumer pipelines supporting arbitrary DAG topologies.

Recently, a colleague and I faced a problem where we needed to optimize the total running time of a complicated calculation. This calculation involved several asynchronous steps getting data from other systems (like Elasticsearch and other home-grown services), along with some number crunching and tallying up the results at the end. Here is a simplified example of the system:


Embedding a new runtime into your legacy C/C++ app

.net csharp fsharp gnu guile javascript lisp lua mono

Let’s say you have a big legacy C++ app. Then you’re undoubtedly covered by Greenspun’s tenth rule. Let’s also say that your home-grown, buggy, and slow DSL/scripting language has been pushed to its limit and cannot be tweaked any further. What do you do? How can you replace it?

As you might expect, this is quite a common problem, and embedding scripting languages into a big C/C++ monolith is popular. There are famous examples from gaming where Lisps and Lua are widely used.


The M Word

clojure monads

The future of .NET lies in Mono. The future of F# lies in MonoDevelop.

.net mono fsharp

It’s been a year since I last wrote about F# and Mono - what’s happened since then?

F# 3.0 has recently been released, bundled with the new all-grey, ALL-CAPS Visual Studio 2012. The biggest new feature is type providers, bringing some of the benefits of dynamic languages into the type-safe world. Innovations like type providers deserve more industry attention. I really hope these ideas will spread and hopefully languages like Scala will pick them up so more developers (including me) can enjoy the benefits.


Some core.logic graph code

clojure core.logic

Some more Datalog

clojure datalog datomic

I’ve written about Datalog and Datomic recently. To conclude, here’s another post comparing execution speed with the contrib.datalog library by Jeffrey Straszheim. Clojure 1.4-ready source can be found here.

The example I’m using in my benchmark is a simple join between two relations. In Datomic/Datalog, it would look like this:

(q '[:find ?first ?height
     :in $a $b
     :where [$a ?last ?first ?email] [$b ?email ?height]]
   [["Doe" "John" "jdoe@example.com"]
    ["Doe" "Jane" "jane@example.com"]]
   [["jane@example.com" 73]
    ["jdoe@example.com" 71]])
;; #<HashSet [["Jane" 73], ["John" 71]]>

In contrib.datalog, the same query requires more ceremony. You can write it like this:


cKanren time!

clojure core.logic

Mr. David Nolen recently published core.logic 0.8.alpha2, with added cKanren (c for constraints) support. To celebrate this glorious event, I’m writing up some core.logic/cKanren stuff I’ve been looking at recently.

Enter the Queens

If you’ve followed this blog, you’ve perhaps seen my previous posts on solving N-Queens in core.logic (part 1 and part 2). How will this look and perform using the new shiny cKanren extensions in core.logic 0.8? Obviously, there are many (new) ways to solve this problem. Here’s a core.logic-styled version of the solution described in the cKanren paper (please read paragraph 4.2 for an in-depth explanation):


Untying the Recursive Knot


Here I present a couple of examples of the functional design pattern “untying the recursive knot.” I’ve found this useful on several occasions, for instance, when breaking apart mutually recursive functions. This material was inspired by Jon Harrop’s excellent Visual F# for Technical Computing.

First, let’s look at a simple factorial implementation using direct recursion:

(defn fact [n]
  (if (= n 0) 1
      (* n (fact (dec n)))))

We can break the direct recursive dependency by replacing the recursive calls with calls to a function argument:


Replicating Datomic/Datalog queries with core.logic, take 2

clojure datomic core.logic

This is a follow-up to my previous post on datalog-equivalent queries in core.logic.

Here I present an alternate way to do the unification and join inside core.logic (without having to use clojure.set/join). It uses the relationships/facts API in core.logic, described here. First, let’s consider this Datomic query:

(q '[:find ?first ?height
     :in [[?last ?first ?email]] [[?email ?height]]]
   [["Doe" "John" "jdoe@example.com"]
    ["Doe" "Jane" "jane@example.com"]]
   [["jane@example.com" 73]
    ["jdoe@example.com" 71]])
;; #<HashSet [["Jane" 73], ["John" 71]]>

In core.logic we start by defining the relationships between our 2 datasets:


Replicating Datomic/Datalog queries with core.logic

clojure core.logic datomic

I’ve been toying with Datomic recently, and I particularly like the power of its query language (~Datalog). Mr. Halloway showed a couple of months ago how the query engine is generic enough to be run on standard Clojure collections, gist here. Here is an example from that page of a simple join;

(q '[:find ?first ?height
     :in [[?last ?first ?email]] [[?email ?height]]]
   [["Doe" "John" "jdoe@example.com"]
    ["Doe" "Jane" "jane@example.com"]]
   [["jane@example.com" 73]
    ["jdoe@example.com" 71]])
;; #<HashSet [["Jane" 73], ["John" 71]]>

A question you might ask yourself is how can you use core.logic to do the same kind of queries? It turns out that it’s pretty straightforward, and also very fast. Core.logic provides some convenient helper functions for unification that we are going to use. Here’s an example of how to get a binding map for some logical variables over a collection;

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