== Martin Trojer ==
Programming Blog


Working with core.async: Chaining go blocks

clojure core.async go

One particularly annoying difference between the core.async and Go is that you can’t wrap function calls with the go macro. This is due to implementation details of core.async, which can only see the body ‘inside’ the macro and not the functions it may call. This is obviously not a problem if the called function doesn’t interact with any channels, but if it does when you might be in trouble. I’ve touched on this subject in a previous post.

Anyway, let me explain what I mean.

Let’s say we have a complicated get-result function that hits some external services (waits for the result) and then feeds the input to a big calculation function multiple times. All examples below simplified for brevity.

(defn calculation []
  ;; Big complicated calculation
  (rand-int 1000))

(defn get-result []
    ;; wait for some stuff
    (reduce + (repeatedly 1000 calculation))))

(time (async/<!! (get-result)))
;; "Elapsed time: 1.034 msecs"

This is all fine and well, but lets say the calculation function also needs to wait on some data, so it needs to become a go-routine as well. This means that we no longer have a return value but a channel with the result. Lets use some FP to get all the data out.

(defn calculation-go []
    ;; wait for some stuff
    (rand-int 1000)))

(defn get-result-go []
     (repeatedly 10 calculation-go)
     (map async/<!)
     (reduce +))))

(async/<!! (get-result-go))
;; => nil

Nope, you can’t to that, Assert failed: <! used not in (go ...) block. It’s also ‘returns’ nil, explained in this post. Let’s try another way;

(defn calculation-go2 [ch]
    ;; wait for some stuff
    (>! ch (rand-int 1000))))

(defn get-result-go2 []
  (let [ch (async/chan)
        count 1000]
    (dotimes [_ count]
        (calculation-go2 ch))
    (async/go-loop [res 0 cnt count]
      (if (or (nil? res) (zero? cnt))
        (recur (+ res (<! ch)) (dec cnt))))))

(time (async/<!! (get-result-go2)))
;; "Elapsed time: 102.503 msecs"

Oh dear, 2 orders of magnitude and that warm fuzzy FP feeling is gone.

Since a go block returns a channel (with the result), you now have to deal with taking that value out of the channel. If you have long ‘go-call-chains’ of go blocks, you’re going to spend lots of time in and out of channels. In this case we have lock congestion amongst all the calculation-go2 blocks and that single channel.

The nil returning snippet above can be written in a similar fashion using some of core.async’s helpers functions (thanks to Ben Ashford for pointing this out);

(defn get-result-go-better []
   (repeatedly 1000 calculation-go)
   (async/reduce + 0)))

(time (async/<!! (get-result-go-better)))
;; "Elapsed time: 178.654 msecs"

Unfortunately this performs even worse than the written out go-loop, but it is much nicer.

How is this any better in Go?

Here’s a rough equivalent of the 2 scenarios in Go.

func calculation() int {
	return rand.Intn(1000)

func getResult(c chan int) {
	sum := 0
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		sum += calculation()
	c <- sum
// Elapsed time: 196.309us

func calculation2(c chan int) {
	// wait for some stuff
	c <- rand.Intn(1000)

func getResult2(c chan int) {
	tmpc := make(chan int)
	sum := 0
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		go calculation2(tmpc)
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		sum += <-tmpc
	c <- sum
// Elapsed time: 4.421806ms

The key difference is that the caller put the function in a go block, and then any subsequent function are free to operate on any channel without itself being wrapped in go.

Also it performs better getResult2 is an order of magnitude slower than getResult.

The blessings and curses of macros

If we have to wrap every function in a go block and if chaining go blocks is so slow, can we just inline that function in our outer go block somehow? Yes we can, we can turn that function into a macro.

(defmacro calculation-go-macro []
    ;; wait for some stuff using async/channels
     (rand-int 1000)))

(defn get-result-go-macro []
    ;; wait for some stuff
    (reduce +
            (loop [res [] cnt 1000]
              (if (zero? cnt)
                (recur (conj res (calculation-go-macro)) (dec cnt)))))))

(time (async/<!! (get-result-go-macro)))
;; "Elapsed time: 2.452 msecs"

Problem solved right? Well, not really. Instead of composable functions (well kind of since they return channels) we now have a special kind of macros that must be called from within a go block. In the snippet above we can’t use the lovely (reduce ... (repeatedly calculation-go-macro)) form since we can’t use macros that way. However, the macro itself can use <!, >! etc freely without the go wrapper and we solved the perf problem.

If you’re interested in how some Go examples convert to core.async check out this repo.